Provide Shelter or Housing
The answer to ending homelessness is a home. The City of Dallas and its partners are actively looking for landlords, property owners / managers, and organizations who want to join us in the fight to end homelessness. Providing affordable housing to meet the demand for our Rapid Rehousing Initiative is an excellent way to uplift the cause.
Property Owners and Landlords
The City of Dallas and its partners are actively searching for landlords and property managers who want to join us in our cause to end homelessness. If you are a property owner or manager and would like to participate in the Continuum of Care’s rental assistance / emergency voucher programs, click here or the button at the bottom of the page to be directed to a jot form hosted by the lead agency of the Continuum of Care, Housing Forward. Once completed, their Landlord Engagement Team will reach out to you.
Benefits of Becoming a Landlord
- Giving Back – Being a part of this program opens the door to opportunities to participate in community outreach and services, becoming a part of the solution to house the homeless.
- Automatic, Guaranteed Payments – Rent payments are paid from various housing programs directly to the landlord eliminating the risk of late or missed payments from tenants and guaranteeing tenant occupancy.
- Case Management Support – Each tenant housed under this program has a case manager who will conduct home visits and who works with the tenant, making the transition to housing smooth and seamless. These case managers may also answer questions and act as a liaison to the landlord, should the need arise.
Other Ways to Help
We provide many resources and ways to help reduce homelessness within our community. Please explore our Donate page, Volunteer page, and Street Feeding page to discover other ways to help our cause.